
27 februarie 2007

Ca sa fii in ton cu lumea, iti voi da cateva sfaturi de vorbire:
In loc de Buna: omghi2uz
Ce faci: whazzah ma ho'?
Unde mergem: hey straight up uere we hangin' teh ballz 2day?
Pe messenger: S! s4-7z p0^3s73sk c3 l3wl 4m 4rs-0 4z! 1!3k, y4 kn0 ! r00l3! [sat-i povestesc ce lol am ars-o azi. stii, de fapt, eu rulez/conduc]
Intr-adevar: Fo' shizzl ma nigga?
Sunt un ratat: Kno' wut i'm sayen?

4s d0r! s4 m00l7z00m3sk p3 4c34s74 c4l3 n3600l00! r3t4rd47 d!n l!c3ul m3u p3n7r00 r3pl!c!l3 d3 g4ngs74/s3rv!t0r c00 700p3u.
Mai sus ii zic mersi unui coleg de culoare care ma face sa ma gandesc cu melancolie la vremurile de white supremacy (i don't hate all niggaz, i only hate ya)
Multumiri lui Gogu pentru lectia de mIRC.
Multumiri Miaului pentru dictionarul urban
Si acestuia:
Ugabuga: adidasi lewl
Io (uh so smart): dap
Ugabuga: shoes, nu adidasi
Ugabuga: anyhow ...
Io (uh so smart): adidasi
Io (uh so smart): ca suntem in romania
Ugabuga: nu

Apropo: cei care ma au in lista stiu ca vand o pereche de ADIDASI DC marimea 40, dar voi? :D

9 comentarii:

hippiekiller spunea...


muffin spunea...

te anunt cand deschid magazin, deocamdata sa vand leprele astea

Anonim spunea...

chiar exista oameni care scriu asa?

Anonim spunea...

phat,traiesti intr-o pestera?

brand new friend spunea...

luv ya. super post.

Anonim spunea...

nu traiesc in pestera...chiar nu cunosc oameni d`astia..:D

Raluca Enescu spunea...

Eu vreau sa invat cat mai multe exp din astea d slang (d toate neamurile si subculturile)
si daca tot mi-am adus aminte si am un chef nebun sa ma bag in seama (ignora dak tu n-ai chef),
cateva chestii de HIPPIE SLANG

groovy/far out/hip/crisp/swank/nifty= de bine, tare, misto
daddy-o= tip misto sau, in functie de context, termen cu care i te adresezi unuia pe care il iei de sus/la kterink
tree hugger= hippiot ecologist, eventual vegetarian
flower child= cineva foarte vesel, haios, optimist
skydancer= un alt termen dragut pt hippie
flower power= tot ce e tipic hippie si cu floricele
to go ape=a se enerva
the pigs=Politia
to have a blast= a se distra tare de tot
blitzed=beat manga
I got dibs on (something)=acel ceva e al meu
custie= cineva care merge la tot felul de concerte fara sa aibe habar cine sut aia si ce canta
ditz=tampit, idiot
don't sweat it=nu-ti face probleme
a drag= ceva plicticos si din care nu te alegi cu nimic
to wig out= a o lua razna, a bate campii
fuckin' A= perfect de acord, OK
hang loose=relaxeaza-te
jazzed= incantat de ceva sau nerabdator
someone's pad= acasa la cineva
real gone cat= o persoana independenta, care nu se lasa influentata de moda
right on= sunt de acord
sosh= bunaciune
swear to Buddha= ceva mai interesant decat "swear to God"
to get the winnie= a lua plasa

Hmmm...cred ca ii fac concurenta negrului tau

Anonim spunea...

Wallets and handbags, Clutches, And duffle bags come in different colors, types, And types. The trends tend to move from one extreme to the other when agreeing to size. For a while you will see women walking on with wallets, bags, And duffle bags large enough to except time but the kitchen sink in.Using cooking H for skin care gives the illusion of younger looking skin, But that give you back the plump, Full skin that you enjoyed when you were a young adult. This ointment is being touted to do things for suits you firm loose skin on your upper arm, Help in reducing cellulite, And lower under eye bags and puffiness. The only one of these items that the ointment can accomplish is the last one, But this achieving success may come at a price,[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com]DVD[/url] Burundi. Cambodja. Cameroun. If you are trying to find Coach products, First shop internet marketing for comparable bags. You may manage to find bags that are even better designed and better made, Notably if you look to imported bags. Italy continues to be the undisputed king of leather goods, And its luggage and handbags are the best in the world,Once you've the basics down, Many are endless. You can sew sequins and beads to the information. So fringe with regards to the top edge. Hessian piece of string. Take a resilient and strong board and wrap Hessian rope around the surface until you create a rope padded surface. The hessian rope isn't abrasive, But has groves between each strand of rope which are earth shattering in exercising your knuckles.Adorned with zip fasteners[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com/index.html]DVD releases[/url] The hard toothbrush can cleanse as well as the soft toothbrush. But the hard part on tooth wears more frequent use of damaged surface of tooth enamel and coloring. Therefore suggest that you prepare hard and soft two tooth brushes, Every 3 days for tough part, On Dental Plaque carry out thorough detoxification,If you have any concerns about your own health or the fitness of your child, You should always consult with a physician or other medical practioner. Please review the policy and Terms of Use before using this site. Your call time site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use,Colors and prints such as animal print by Kalencom Eleanor may just suit you perfectly. The Kalencoms Eleanor baby bag is contemporary yet functional, As they permit the mother both. It established fact that moms hands are often full, Which is what this diaper bag is designed for.[url=http://www.tvseriesbank.com]dvd[/url] They are sold by the retailers at attractive prices to the retailers or customers. It is hard for the frequent users to buy these items at retail price, So buying it in extensive stores becomes a cheaper option for them. Other than this, The jewelry is mainly bought by business people.There's nothing the end of the magnificent tale of the bags that make our lives very easy. These bags already went through a many changes such as the addition of handles to hold the bags, Usage of plastic to generation the bags, And the recent shift back to the paper usage in bags output. Countless designs and uses of these bags coupled with the ever improving demand for services is enough to suggest that the market of these merchandise bags would continue to grow and flourish.We'd start working and drop her at the Great Lakes Mall. She was sold 7 or 8 bags, Can't remember but she was buying for purchasing as her family memebers, Her boss at a international office where she works as a business analyst in Bangkok. Therefore, I felt Coach has more brand value than all the other products.Halloween it's time to dress like something completely out of character. You can dress your grandchild as a typical nerd, Full of white shirt, Pocket guards, Pants that are quite short, Hornrimmed glasses, While socks and black sports shoes. Don forget to tape the corner of the glasses for a true nerd appearance.

Anonim spunea...

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