Emotional wreck

2 iulie 2007

6 AM, Christmas morning
No shadows
No reflections here
Lie cheek to cheek in your cold embrace.

It started so tragic as a slaughterhouse
She pressed the knife against your heart
And say that 'I love you' so much you must kill me now.
I love you so much you must kill me now...

If I was your vampire
Slim as the moon
Instead of killing time
We'll have each other till the sun.

If I was your vampire
Death waits for no one.
Put my hands across your face
Because I think our time has come.

Digging your smile apart with my spade tongue
And the hole is where the heart is
We built this tomb together
I will fill it alone.

Man's got his woman to take his seed
He's got the power - oh
She's got the need
She spends her life through pleasing up her man
She feeds him dinner or anything she can

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don't come home at all
Only women bleed
Man makes your hair gray
He's your life's mistake
All you're really lookin' for is an even break
He lies right at you
You know you hate this game
He slaps you once in a while and you live and love in pain

She cries alone at night too often
He smokes and drinks and don't come home at all
Only women bleed

Black eyes all of the time
Don't spend a dime
Clean up this grime
And you there down on your knees begging me please come
Watch me bleed

I want to wake up in your white, white sun
I want to wake up in your world with no pain
But I'll just suffer in a hope to die someday
While you are numb all of the way-Fundamentally loathsome

My mouth was a crib
And it was growing lies
I didn't know what love was on that day
Her hearts a tiny blood clot
I picked at it, it never heals, it never goes away
Burn all the good things in the eden eye
We were too dumb to run, too dead to die
Our hearts a bloodstained egg
We didn't handle with care
It's broken and bleeding
And we could never repair
Our hearts a bloodstained egg
We didn't handle with care
It's broken and bleeding
And we could never repair
-Coma black

And I don't mind you keepin' me
On pins and needles
If I could stick to you
And you stick me too

Don't break
Don't break my heart
And I won't break your heart-shaped glasses
Little girl, little girl
You should close your eyes
That blue is getting me high

Intai, in calitatea de Muffin, incep cu partile nasoale:
*2 zile in care am mancat 1 Activia
*de cateva ori era sa lesin de la caldura, barbata-miu vorbea cu mine si eu nu ii vedeam fata.
*nu puteam sta in picioare, din cauza carceilor care reveneau in fiecare minut.
*berea de tot cacatul, dimensiunea paharului de shot, 30 mii una.

Partile bune [si astea sunt multe, si emo, si am plans]
*dupa toate durerile, cand intrase Cooper eram in lesin. Si strangeam tot soiu' de bratari fosforescente cu o amica. Si nu mai eram capabila sa vad nimic in afara de el pe scena cantand "Only women bleed". Si apoi a aparut Manson langa el, si am realizat ca PE BUNE va canta la mai putin de 200 metri de mine.
*Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson Manson.
Cum sa explic? Uhmm... ecranele cu luna plina, cu ceasul, cu buzele care fredonau "one two three", el si plimbatu' in primele randuri, Spooky Kids vazuti pe panze de cativa metri inaltime, Sweet Dreams cantata cu Alice Cooper (!!!), Dope Show si pastilele proiectate, multimea in isterie, oamenii de pe pubele fredonand, The Beautiful people, Heart shaped glasses [melodie pe care nici eu nici individul de langa mine n-am mai rezistat and we started making out, like the Mansons huge fans that we were. si the best kiss ever, desi nu imi amintesc cum a fost, pentru ca imi rasuna in urechi numai muzica, si in fata ochilor il aveam pe Brian Warner]. Just a car crash away [I Can already feel/Her worms Eating my spine/So how can It be this Lonely?/Is this all we get for our Lives?/Is Love only sweeter when one of Dies?/Then I knew that our Love was/Just a Car Crash Away]. Dezamagirea ca nu a cantat Fundamentally Loathsome, Spade, Coma black/white, Man that you fear, Fight song, Tainted love [it would have been too much, i'd have had a stroke daca continua sa cante]. Ultima melodie, si confetti aruncate timp de 5 minute. Din nou Spooky Kids, chitara... Nu se vedeau decat ochii lui rosii pe ecrane, era bezna si fum pe scena. Stiu ca nu am logica, but i write these present words with tears in my eyes and shaking hands.
Apoi tararea spre casa, desi nu prea stiam ce fac si unde sunt, si intrebarile catre the Manson Dude "Dar trebuie sa se intoarca nu? Mai canta una nu? De ce nu mai canta?".
Acum realizez ce prostie as fi facut sa fi plecat in Vama sau in alt loc, in loc de concert. I'll remember this forever. Singura amintire cat de cat comparabila, si singurele senzatii asemanatoare au fost la concertul Paradise lost, si a lor melodie Erased.
*poze deformate, tigari gratuite, cutia de tzipete, inghetata.
Cam atat la lucrurile bune, nu de alta, dar parca mi s-a sters filmul din cap. I'll crawl back to the Manson songs.

4 comentarii:

io-n Dushu Tau! spunea...

fato..sper ca mai respiri..asa scris intr-o rasuflare nu am vazut in viata mea...mai sufli??! :)

Anonim spunea...

partile rele au fost nule comparand cu extazul ce ti l`a dat concertul lui manson. si mie imi plac unele cantece, dar nu pot zice ca sunt fana.

Gaelex spunea...

Mie mi se pare c-a fost bataie de joc, artisti expirati si organizare romaneasca pe baza de dat tzeapa cu berea.

muffin spunea...

pentru mine a fost una din cele mai frumoase zile din viata. depinde acum de ce intelegi prin expirati, de obicei la declinul carierei accepti orice gen de concert (si in romania). dar pentru fani a fost ceva super :P
